Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Blog Love: Bicyclog

I've posted about Yanek's Tel Aviv-based Bicyclog before, but because it's so darn cool, it's getting another. You know how sometimes you'll be walking down the street with your spouse/significant other and/or friends who aren't interested in bikes, and suddenly you pass a bike rack, do a double-take, and then go back and spend twenty minutes poking around some great old bike, wishing you had a camera? If you're reading this blog, you probably know what I'm talking about. Well, Yanek does have a camera, and he always snaps great photos of interesting bikes he finds all over Tel Aviv, many of which are Israeli-made bikes that aren't common elsewhere. When he can, Yanek also provides some explanatory or historical context for the company. It's always a treat when I see a Bicyclog post come over my feed reader, because it always feels like I've made some great discovery while walking down the street, and this way I don't have to worry about my friends waiting on me.

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